Malena English Movie Hd Free Download
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Malena English Movie Hd Free Download 4,0/5 7342 reviews
We see the curse of beauty and loneliness of Malena. Register A Free Account To watch This Movie In HD. Download This Movie.
Malena 2000 Movie
- A film about Malena herself, her travails, the deep-reaching conclusion, would have been much more interesting and original, but Tornatore is mired in cliches.
- [Tornatore] eludes sentimentality with a romantic vision wide enough to embrace the range of human experience.
- Bereft of the more richly textured sentiments of Tornatore's Cinema Paradiso.
- Despite Bellucci's strong presence in a role with little dialogue, the central character never really comes alive in any way interesting enough to give her ordeal much genuine pathos.
- Its heart is in the right place.
- Transparently misogynist at its core.
- An affecting coming-of-age story.
- The result is like a bad novel in which the personalities and feelings of the characters are described to us rather than revealed through what they do.
- [Bellucci] has presence, maybe even talent, but you wish that Malena's inner life had been given as much accent as her outer charms.
- Funny as it is sobering.
- The film lacks a focused, compelling narrative -- perhaps because Tornatore is trying to manufacture a hit by juggling story elements more forced and manipulative than felt.
- Like Malena herself, the movie ends up nothing more than a great-looking mess.
- Renato does not intervene to correct the false impressions of the townspeople, nor does he courageously stand for Malna ... What happens instead is far more compelling, but no less merciful and moving.
- Any moral lesson the film pretends to hold is as muddled as it is misguided.
- The cliches in this movie are as ripe and plump and tightly packed as olives in a jar. But the surface is handsome, moving and humorous, and people are going to like it.
- A well-crafted, provocative film by one of Italy's consummate screen artists.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
2/1/2001 by Eleanor Ringel Cater
Makes something wistful, enduring and even optimistic out of humanity's basest instincts.- Not for decades has Italian film offered a presence so sexy and mythic as Bellucci.