Afudos Engineering Edition
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Afudos Engineering Edition 4,0/5 5584 reviews
Afudos Engineering
08-29-2010, 01:14 AM
Post Size: 22.91 kB Files: 1 Parts: 1 Split size: not splitted Format: yEnc This message is in yEnc format. If your newsreader cannot display this. List of AMI offerings for BIOS and UEFI Utilities for AptioV, Aptio 4 and AMIBIOS, such as MMTool, DMIEdit, ChangeLogo.
About a month ago, after installing a modded bios, i wanted to go back and forth between my original and the modded one made here (Which worked perfectly BTW). Though upon reverting i always encountered 'Can't Analyze the IIM Information' , the internet provides no fixes for this, and acer wanted to replace my mobo, which was too much of a hassle for me even though it was free. Today i present a way in which you can all flash your bios which gets this error, and many other errors. There is 1 warning though, this will flash all bios files, regardless of mismatches and such, so you must be 100% sure you are flashing a compatible bios because you will not be told if it isnt, it will just flash.
This is what you do. Download the Engineers version of AFUDOS attached here. Format a DOS-USB. Then place the AFUDOS.EXE file into your formated USB along with your ROM file.
Restart and enter the DOS environment then enter these commands.
AFUDOS /iXXXX.ROM /pbnc /n
where xxxx= Rom Name, remember must include the 'i'
You have now successfully flashed a bios, that either has issues matching information, issues analyzing current versions, you want to downgrade and many other issues.
This is what you do. Download the Engineers version of AFUDOS attached here. Format a DOS-USB. Then place the AFUDOS.EXE file into your formated USB along with your ROM file.
Restart and enter the DOS environment then enter these commands.
AFUDOS /iXXXX.ROM /pbnc /n
where xxxx= Rom Name, remember must include the 'i'
You have now successfully flashed a bios, that either has issues matching information, issues analyzing current versions, you want to downgrade and many other issues.