How To Install Libgcc-3.4.6-sol9-sparc-local

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How To Install Libgcc-3.4.6-sol9-sparc-local 4,8/5 2925 reviews
  • Aalib-1.4.0-sol26-sparc-local.gz File info Install Location: /usr/local. Dependencies: slang. Dependencies: expat libiconv gdbm zlib db openssl libgcc gcc. Gcc-3.4.6 The GNU C compiler and related programs –.
  • 3 posts published by Emerson Takahashi during January 2010. I needed to install rsync in a Solaris 9 so. /tmp/rsync # pkgadd -d libgcc-3.4.6-sol9-sparc-local.

Libgcc-3.4.6-sol9-sparc-local.gz make-3.81-sol9-sparc-local.gz 模块生成的makefile默认是用cc编译,我用下面的方法改用gcc. Make install 但是.

Yesterday I attempted to get a working MySQL environment to support the number of utilities we all use including mytop, innotop, mybench, mysqltoolkit. These products require a number of Perl Dependencies, and while that may be a rather trivial task under Linux and with the power of cpan, working on Solaris is a whole different story.

For the record, I’m working with Solaris 9 SPARC 64bit. Ease audio cutter.

I won’t detail you with how hard it was to get to this point, except to say thanks to Jeremy, Baron and Frank so far. Here is where I’m at.

You need a number of pre-requisites, most from


Back to installing

This is where the trail ends as my friend google has not helped me past this point, so I’m turning the community. If anybody can assist please let me know.

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  • Description of installation on SunOS 5.9 (Solaris 9) on 64bit sparc system.
  • Solaris 10 user can use the pre-installed Postgres database. (see [1])
  • 1Prerequisites
  • 4Running as a non-root user


general utilities

  • tested with gcc 3.4.6 installed in /usr/local
  • check your PATH - variable to contain
  • CAUTION: To avoid confusion with library paths etc. try to get the newest versions of all needed tools from Almost all newer tools will install to /usr/local. Almost all problems described below were due to the mix of older and newer tools/librarys and vanished after updating those tools. If you already have older versions of the tools installed they may have been installed to different paths:
  • check carefully messages from .configure to see if you included the appropriate paths and library paths! If some libraries are 'elsewhere' you might try
  • download and unzip following tools from sun freeware:
  • install them with the following command for all downloaded files


  • download sources according to description in Jicmpto your installation-directory
  • cd to your installation-directory
  • run
  • Libraries will be installed in /usr/local/lib
  • Program will be installed as /usr/local/share/java/jicmp.jar
  • if you get following error during make


Setup exe pes 2011 pc

  • if you get errors during make like



How to install libgcc-3.4.6-sol9-sparc-locals
  • download rrd (and any required prerequisites) from to your installation-directory
  • cd to your installation-directory
  • REMARK: the compiled package didn't work for this configuration so rrd source code was installed, see below.
  • Installation of compiled package:
  • run
  • example: rrdtool-1.2.19-sol9-sparc-local.gz will install to /usr/local/rrdtool-1.2.19
  • this package didn't work together with jrrd, following error was generated when running configure for jrrd:

Installation from source code:

  • download rrd source code(and any required prerequisites) from to your installation-directory
  • cd to your installation-directory
  • look where other prerequisited open source tools (like libfreetype) are installed in your system and change the path in the example below, here /usr/sfw was used
  • run
  • if the make - job stops working with

as last lines in output press CTRL-D (the job obviously tries to read from command line). cgi-demo will be empty..

  • example: rrdtool-1.2.19-sol9-sparc-local.gz will install to /usr/local/rrdtool-1.2.19


  • download jrrd-1.0.1.tar.gz from to your installation-directory
  • cd to your installation-directory
  • replace the path to the rrdtool in the example below with the path to your rrdtool installation
  • replace the path to the java-jdk in the example below with the path to your java installation
  • run
  • Libraries will be installed in /usr/local/lib
  • Program will be installed as /usr/local/share/java/jrrd.jar


  • read Performance_tuning#PostgreSQL_8.1before installation so you can design your configuration
  • download postgres packages from to your installation-directory. Postgres postgresql-8.3.0-sol9-sparc-local.gz is used in this example.
  • cd to your installation-directory
  • run
  • postgres should now be installed in /usr/local/pgsql
  • create start script /etc/init.d/postgres for start/stop of database
  • create link Snnpostgresql in /etc/rc3.d
  • make data directory according to your design
  • initialize a new DB (target directory has to be empty!)
  • if you have problems starting postgres or any of it's tools with following error message:

then look for the path to this library (comes with gcc compiler) and add the environment-variable (adjust the path to your needs)

  • read /documentation/InstallUnStable for configuring security etc. The configuration files mentioned there should be in your data directory /usr/local/pgsql/pgdata after initializing the database with initdb as described above.


How To Install Libgcc-3.4.6-sol9-sparc-locals

  • download iplike solaris package following the links for downloading opennms in Main_Pageto your installation-directory
  • cd to your installation-directory
  • run
  • iplike should now be installed in /usr/local/lib


  • download opennms[-snapshot] to a temporarily directory.
  • after download cd to this temporarily directory.
  • run
  • this will create a new directory 'opennms-installer'

login to your Solaris desktop environment or export your DISPLAY to a computer, this is needed because the installer now has a GUI.

  • open a commandprompt/terminalwindow
  • run

to start setup.(make sure you know your postgres passwords)

  • follow the directives in the installer, install OpenNMS on a slice where you have and will have enough room. /opt/OpenNMS is prefered.
  • now you should be able to start opennms
  • (you can get great benefit from starting OpenNMS with ./bin/opennms start
  • If you installed OpenNMS as a Solaris package and are using svcadm to start and stop it you may run into a problem where it fails to start when you have a reasonable number of nodes in the database. This can be caused by it failing to completely start in within the default 5 minutes. To overcome this you will need to increase this value.

Performance tips

  • Start OpenNMS with the following command: ./bin/opennms start, this will preload the 64 bit environment.
  • if you installed OpenNMS on a slice like /opt you can have great benefits from altering the read/write buffering on this slice. Open /etc/vfstab and modify the slice accordingly: [example]

/dev/dsk/c1d0s5 /dev/rdsk/c1d0s5 /opt ufs 2 yes noatime,forcedirectio.

The settings noatime and forcedirectio will reduce the waitingtime for rrd to write his files. In my case the diskusage dropped from a steady 100% to 10% after setting these options on /opt and rebooting the system.

Running as a non-root user

On Solaris 10, it's possible to run OpenNMS as a non-root user, but it will be necessary to grant a couple of special permissions to the OpenNMS user:

Binding to udp/162 for Trapd

The permission needed for the OpenNMS trap receiver (Trapd) to bind to the standard snmp-trap port of udp/162 is:

If this permission is missing, OpenNMS will fail to start up and you will get an exception trace like the following in output.log:

Creating ICMP datagrams

OpenNMS normally does quite a bit of pinging, which requires another privilege on Solaris 10 in order to create raw ICMP datagrams:

Without this privilege, OpenNMS may start up but it will be unable to perform any ping operations.

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